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Ralf A. Scherschmidt | Principal | 2007 | now |
Biografi | Ralf joined Oberweis Asset Management, Inc. in November 2006 and is the lead Portfolio Manager on the International team. Prior to joining OAM, he was an International Equity Analyst at Jetstream Capital, LLC, a premier global hedge fund ranked by Bloomberg Magazine as one of “The World’s Top Hedge Funds”. Ralf has also worked for Aragon Global Management, LLC, a global hedge fund affiliated with Tiger Management. Previously, he was a banker at NM Rothschild & Sons Limited, one of the world’s leading M&A boutiques, advising on M&A and LBO transactions. He earned his MBA from Harvard Business School and a BSBA, summa cum laude, in Finance, Accounting and Chinese from Georgetown University. Ralf lived and/or has work experience in Europe, the UK, South Africa, China and Taiwan and he is fluent in German. Ralf has been a featured speaker at The Advisors MoneyShow, and has been published in the Institutional Investor’s Journal of Private Equity and the CFA Institute’s CFA Digest. He has also been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, the Associated Press, USA Today, CNNMoney, SmartMoney, Money Magazine, Investor's Business Daily, and the Financial Times. |
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