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Elliott Wave Elliott Wave

Why do trends in society often change so rapidly and dramatically?

The pace of change over the past five years demands an answer to this question.

In 1999, for example, the stock market reached unprecedented heights; we celebrated innovative CEOs as heroes; and many people believed that peace in the Middle East was at hand. There was even talk of a Pax Americana.

Compare with 2004: The economy is weak, and corporate executives are being thrown in jail. Israel is building a wall in the West Bank, while kidnappers in Iraq execute civilian contractors for their ties to the United States. And the 9/11 Commission Report has cast doubt on supposed improvements to U.S. national security.

What changed and why? Could all these events flow from the same cause?

Best-selling author Robert Prechter offers a revolutionary answer in his new two-book set, Socionomics: The Science of History and Social Prediction.

Maklumat Buku Kategori: Lain-lain Jenis Buku: Hard Book
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