Sila cuba carian lain
Nama | Tajuk | Sejak | Sehingga |
Luis Beamonte Aisa | - | 2014 | now |
Biografi | Luis Beamonte Aisa has more than 10 year experience managing funds and has worked the past 13 years within the financial markets. Graduated in Industrial Engineering. He has a Master degree in financial markets. He joined SAM in 2000 after working at BBVA. | ||
Javier Ruiz Meseguer | department | 1998 | 2014 |
Biografi | Has a degree in Economics (Universidad de Salamanca) and a Masters in Finance from ICADE. After spending time with Back Office Team in DWS Investmens and Credit Suisse in Spain, he joined the Metagestión team at the beginning of 2007. CFA 2009 Level II Candidate. | ||
Alberto Vigil-Escalera | - | 1998 | 2014 |
Biografi | Law Degree. IMBA (Cleveland,USA). Master Finance (IE, Madrid). Candidate level 3 CFA. Commodities trading in ADM (subsidiary in México) and Louis Dreyfuss (Madrid) for 7 years. In Santander Asset Managament since 1999. |
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