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Djoni Gunawan | - | 2009 | 2023 |
Biografi | He is the Head of the Investment Division of PT Pratama Capital Assets Management. He is responsible for the activities at the PT Pratama Capital Assets Management, daily operational transactions and other daily investment activities. His knowledge and experience in financial field, securities and asset management, portfolio analysis and development and investment in some of the funds have helped him in running the operations and investment activities. His highest formal education was achieved in Trisakti University in Jakarta by graduating from the Master of Management Degree with a specialization in Financial Management. In year 1997, Djoni had received the license from Bapepam to act as a Representative of The Investment Manager. He also had an experience in managing few fixed income funds with a very good investment return. His license number is KEP-192/PM/IP/WMI/1997 dated on 10th December 1997. |
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