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Persidangan & Konvensyen

Finance Indaba Africa

Penyelenggara:  CFO South Africa
Mula: Okt. 03, 2018 14:00
Tamat: Okt. 05, 2018 00:00
Sandton Convention Centre,
Afrika Selatan
Harga: Finance professionals can register for FREE
Telefon: +27 011086 7515
Finance Indaba Africa is the biggest annual expo and conference for finance professionals. The Finance Indaba brings together thousands of colleagues, suppliers of technologies, platforms, tools, specialists, CFOs and thought leaders.
Over 5,000 visitors tap into a wealth of resources, know-how and inspiration. Gain unparalleled insights. Cut costs dramatically, send sales & productivity through the roof and boost your company's profits. Build a better future for yourself, your company and your country.
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